4 Mart 2008 Salı



Ağrılı Omuzda Ultrasonogafinin Değeri, Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, 1992


Yurt İçi

1. Çetinus, E., Uzel, M., Bilgiç, E., Şaşmaz, S., Arıcan, Ö., Karaoğuz A., “Results of the Mogensen’s lateral wedge resection technique in treatment of ingrown toenail” Joint Dis Rel Surg, 18, 116-120, (2007).

2. Uzel, M., Ergun, U.G., Celik, M., Ekerbicer, H., Cetinus, E, Karaoguz, A., “Knowledge and attitude of nursing and midwifery college students on developmental dysplasia of the hip” Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc, 40, 377-383, (2006).

Yurt Dışı
1. Ozbag, D., Gumusalan Y., Uzel M., Cetinus E., “Morphometrical features of the human malleolar groove” Foot Ankle Int. 29, 77-81, (2008).

2. Uzel, M., Gumusalan, Y., Cetinus, E., Yurtgezen, A., “Bilateral aplasia of the tibialis anterior and unilateral aplasia of the extensor hallucis longus muscles” Skeletal Radiol, 36, 83-86, (2007).

3. Ergun, UG., Uzel, M., Celik, M., Ekerbicer, H., “The knowledge, attitude and practice of the primary and secondary care nurse-midwife practitioners on developmental dysplasia of hip” Nurse Educ Today, 27, 635-642, (2007).

4. Ceylaner, G., Guven. M.A., Ceylaner, S, Uzel, M., Muftuoglu, K., “Prenatal diagnosis of a Turkish Bartsocas-Papas syndrome case with upper limb pterigia” Prenat Diagn, 27, 563-565, (2007).

5. Uzel, M., Ergun, G.U., Ekerbicer, H.C., “The knowledge and attitudes of the primary care physicians on developmental dysplasia of the hip” Saudi Med J, 28, 1430-1434, (2007).

6. Uzel, M., Cetinus E., Gumusalan Y, Karaoguz A., “Atypical bifid os calcis: a case report” Foot Ankle Int. 28, 1295-7,(2007).

7. Uzel, M., Cetinus, E., Ekerbicer, H.C., Karaoguz, A., “The influence of athletic activity on the plantar fascia in healthy young adults” J Clin Ultrasound., 34, 17-21 (2006).

8. Bulbuloglu, E., Ciralik, H., Uzel, M., Coban, K., Börekci, B., “Primary Subfascial Cyst Hydatic Disease In Proximal Thigh: An Unusual Localisation: A Case Report” The Internet Journal of Surgery, TM ISSN: 1528-8242 Volume 7 Number 1, (2006) http://www.ispub.com/ostia/index.php?xmlFilePath=journals/ijs/current.xml

9. Uzel, M., Cetinus, E., Bilgic, E., Ekerbicer, H., Karaoguz, A., “Comparison of ultrasonography and radiography in assessment of the heel pad compressibility index of patients with plantar heel pain syndrome (The measurement of the fat pad in plantar heel pain syndrome)” Joint Bone Spine, 73, 196-199, (2006).

10. Ozkan, K., Coban, Y., Uzel, M., Ergun, M., Oksuz, H., “Pierre Robin Sequence with Esophageal Atresia and Congenital Radioulnar Synostosis” The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, 43, 317-320, (2006).

11. Uzel, M., Yorgancigil E., Aksu, S., Yildiz, M., Veral, A., Oztoprak, I., “Skelatal Muscle Hydatidosis In The Forearm: An Unusual Location” Orthopedics, 29, 642-644 (2006).

12. Coban, Y.K., Uzel, M., Cetinus, E., “The use of vascularized phalanx for the first metacarpal bone defect in a mutilating hand injury” Annales de chirurgie plastique esthetique, 51, 235-238, (2006).

13. Guven, M.A., Batukan, C., Ceylaner, S., Ceylaner, G., Uzel, M., “A case of fetal anticonvulsant syndrome with severe bilateral upper limb defect” The Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 19, 115-117, (2006).

14. Coban, Y.K., Uzel, M., Gumus, N., “Lipoma due to chronic intermittent compression as an occupational disease” Ann Plast Surg., 57, 275-8 (2006).

15. Senoglu, M., Gumusalan, Y., Yuksel, K.Z., Uzel, M., Celik, M., Ozbag. D., “The effect of posterior bridging of C-1 on craniovertebral junction surgery” J Neurosurg Spine, 5, 50-2 (2006).

16. Guven, M.A., Batukan, C., Ceylaner, S., Uzel, M., Ozbek, A., Demirpolat, G., “Prenatal and postnatal findings in a case with the autosomal recessive type of Robinow syndrome” Fetal Diagn Ther., 21, 386-9 (2006).

17. Uzel, M., Sasmaz, S., Bakaris, S., Cetinus, E., Bilgic, E., Karaoguz, A., Ozkul, A., Arican O., “A viral infection of the hand commonly seen after the feast of sacrifice: human orf (orf of the hand)” Epidemiol Infect., 133, 653-7 (2005).

18. Uzel, M., Cetinus, E., Ekerbicer, H.C., Karaoguz, A., “Heel pad thickness and athletic activity in healthy young adults: a sonographic study” J Clin Ultrasound., 34, 231-6 (2006).

19. Sasmaz, S., Karaoguz, A., Uzel, M., Coban, Y.K., “Pyogenic granuloma on the hand subsequent to friction blister in a hand surgeon” Dermatol Online J. 12, 22 (2006).

20. Cetinus, E., Buyukbese, M.A., Uzel, M., Ekerbicer, H., Karaoguz, A., “ Hand grip strength in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus” Diabetes Res Clin Pract., 70, 278-86 (2005).

21. Coban, Y.K., Uzel, M., Balik, O., “Plantar burns after sunbathing and walking of a patient with complete spinal cord injury” Burns. 31, 398-9 (2005).

22. Cetinus, E., Kilinc, M., Uzel, M., Inanc, F., Kurutas, E.B., Bilgic, E., Karaoguz, A., “Does long-term ischemia affect the oxidant status during fracture healing?” Arch Orthop Trauma Surg., 125, 376-80 (2005).

23. Uzel, M., Cetinus, E., Bilgic, E., Karaoguz, A., Kanber, Y., “ Bilateral os trigonum syndrome associated with bilateral tenosynovitis of the flexor hallucis longus muscle” Foot Ankle Int., 26, 894-8 (2005).

24. Cetinus, E., Ciragil, P., Uzel, M., Bilgic, E., Gul, M., Aral, M., Karaoguz, A., “Calcaneal osteomyelitis after puncture wound to foot: case report and review of the literature. J Orthopaed Traumatol, 6,194–6 (2005).

25. Cetinus, E., Uzel, M., Bilgic, E., Karaoguz, A., Herdem, M., “Exercise induced compartment syndrome in a professional footballer” Br. J. Sports Med., 38, 227-29 (2004).

26. Coban, Y.K., Uzel, M., Celik, M., “Correction of buttock ptosis with anchoring deepithelialized skin flaps. Aesthetic Plast Surg., 28, 116-9 (2004).

27. Guven, M.A., Ceylaner, S., Prefumo, F., Uzel, M., “ Prenatal sonographic findings in a case of Varadi-Papp syndrome” Prenat Diagn., 24, 989-91 (2004).

28. Uzel, M., Sasmaz, S., Ozkul, A., Cetinus, E., Bilgic, E., Karaoguz, A., “Swan-neck deformity and paresthesia following giant orf” J. Dermatol., 31, 116-8 (2004).

29. Uzel, M., Garipardic, M., Cetinus, E., Bilgic, E., Karaoguz, A., Boran, C., Oztoprak, I., “Tuberculosis of the knee in a child” J. Trop. Pediatr., 50, 182-4 (2004).

30. Uzel, M., Cetinus, E., Gumusalan, Y., Coban, YK., “An anomalous muscle on the dorsomedial aspect of the foot (m. cuneo-naviculo-fascialis): case report” Foot Ankle Int., 25, 647-9 (2004).

31. Uzel, M., Cetinus, E., Bilgic, E., Bakaris, S., “Intraosseous ganglion of the lunate: a case report” Joint Bone Spine, 70, 393-95 (2003).
Yurt Dışı

1. Gumusalan, Y., Ozbag D., Uzel, M., Çıralık, H., “A variation of peroneal muscles” I Congress of The Serbian Anatomical Society, Novi Sad, Rebublic of Serbia. (2006)

2. Ozbag, D., Gumusalan, Y., Uzel, M., Çetinus, E., “Morphometric features of peroneal groove in human” I Congress of The Serbian Anatomical Society, Novi Sad, Rebublic of Serbia. (2006)

3. Guven, M.A., Batukan, C., Ceylaner, S., Ceylaner, G., Uzel, M., “A case of fetal anticonvulsant syndrome with severe bilateral upper limb” International Forum on Birth, Rome, Italy. Abstract Book, 20 (2005).

4. Gumusalan, Y., Uzel, M., Cetinus E, Özdag, D., Ekerbicer C., “Intraobserver and interobserver concordance of anteversion measurement in dry femora” 4th Asian-Pasific International Congress of Anatomists, Kuşadası, Türkiye. Abstract Book,75, (2005)

5. Bilgic, E., Ekerbicer, H., Cetinus, E., Uzel, M., ve Karaoguz, A., “Validity of the activities of daily living scale in operative setting” 11th ESSKA 2000 Congress, 4th World Congress on Sports Trauma, Atina, Yunanistan. Abstract Book, 357, (2004).

6. Çetinus, E., Uzel, M., Bilgiç, E., Karaoğuz, A., Uzun, M., Ekerbiçer, H., ve Gümüşalan, Y., “A comparison of hand grip strength of amateur male wrestlers and sedentary university students” The 10th ICHPER SD Europe Congress & The TSSA 8th International Sports Science Congress, Antalya, Türkiye. Abstract Book, 145, (2004).

7. Üzel, M., Çetinus, E., Bilgiç, E., ve Bakariş, S., “Intraosseous ganglion of the lunate: a case report” VIIIth Congress of the Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Amsterdam, Hollanda. Poster Book 41, (2002).

8. Taser, B., Özer, S., Ak, Ö., Uzel, M., Acar, H., Benzonana, N. “Recurrent soft tissue infections due to intermediate group streptococci. Streptococcus constellatus” 11th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Istanbul, Turkey. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 7, Supp-I, 291, (2001).

9. Roshal, L., Caliskan, M., Kurt, N., Hanum, A.V., Dagli, T.E., Iskit, S., Aplay, H., Bayramicli, M., Berkel, T., Uzel, M., Cemsit, F., Karaseva, O., Granikov, O., Pujicski, L., Ivanjva, T., “Medical Aid to Children Who Survived the Earthquake in Turkey (1999)” 12th World Congress of Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Lyon, France. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 16, 63, (2001).

10. Mitich, V.A., Svetukhin, A.V., Uzel, M., Crush Syndrome: Prise en charge chirurgical. 4ème Conférence Nationales des Plaies et Cicatrisations, Palais des Congrès, Paris, France, 57, (2000).

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